Middlekauff Automotive Group
Auto Dealerships
About Us
Our passion for excellence shows up throughout our mission/value statement, and it is not just a plaque on the wall or a card in our wallet. We truly do care, and will work very hard to earn our customers respect. We first work hard to earn our employee's respect and make it a world-class place to work because they are the ones who work directly with our customers. We constantly strive to meet our employee's needs and to include them in all decisions about our business. Together we feel we will then have a chance to provide only the best experience for you the customer. We are not always right, and we do make mistakes. However, because we do care we will go over and beyond to do whatever we can to satisfy you. We also know our applause for this excellence will be profit, so we also do not think that is a bad thing. We don't work for profit, we work for you. We give back as much as we can to the community where we all live, work, and raise our families.